
De Kempenaer Advocaten prepared Expert Reports on solving cross-border obstacles in the EU

On December 10, 2020, the Association of Border Regions (AEBR) and the European Commission launched an initiative to publish Expert Reports in the framework of the b-solutions project.

De Kempenaer Advocaten is pleased to share that four of the Expert Reports were prepared by Anton Bouwmeister and Marlene Plaß, as acknowledged experts in the areas of labour law and health law. They were assisted by their colleagues Minouche Egbers and Lotte Braakhuis.

The b-solutions project aims at addressing specific legal and administrative obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation in the proximity of the 40 land borders connecting Member States of the European Union and EFTA countries. 150 million European citizens, almost one third of the entire EU population, live in a border region. Those citizens and business face obstacles when interacting with their neighbouring regions across national borders in accessing services such as public transport, recruiting personnel or healthcare. b-solutions aims at finding solutions to those obstacles. The afore-mentioned experts were instructed to address selected cross-border obstacles and advise on providing sustainable and replicable solutions.

Anton and Marlene prepared the following four Expert Reports published in the Compendium:

  • Transparent solutions in the border region for efficient treatment and reimbursement of medical expenses for Dutch and German patients.
  • Cross border transport of medical goods per Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (a.k.a. “Drone”).
  • Mini-jobs cause big problems in a cross-border context.
  • Registering labour migrants in a cross-border context.

The respective applicants now aim at implementing the solutions advised in the Expert Reports. The Expert Reports also support the European Commission and policy makers within the EU in the legislative approval of the European Cross Border Mechanism (ECBM) as proposed by the European Commission in 2018 (COM 2018 373 final, 29.5.2018).

The ECBM is an innovative legal tool solving obstacles of legal and administrative nature.

The Compendium of all Expert Reports can be downloaded via the following link:

The Key Findings of the various experts can be found on pages 154-157.


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mr. M. (Minouche) Egbers...

Advocaat - Senior

mr. L.D. (Lotte) Braakhuis...


RAin mr. M.M. (Marlene) Plaß...

Advocaat en Rechtsanwältin (D)

RA mr. A.H.M. (Anton) Bouwmeister...

Advocaat - Partner en Rechtsanwalt (D)

mr. L.D. (Lotte) Braakhuis...


mr. M. (Minouche) Egbers...

Advocaat - Senior

RAin mr. M.M. (Marlene) Plaß...

Advocaat en Rechtsanwältin (D)

